Topcalf calf hutches
Single Calf hutch
Your calves are the milk cows of the future! Therefore, calf rearing is of high importance. In order to guarantee a high milk production later on, a good calf rearing plan is key. One of the main aspects in calf rearing, is calf housing. By keeping your calves in a high quality calf hutch, the risks of infections can be minimized. The Topcalf calf hutch Mono is the perfect indidual calf pen, and available in different versions. The Topcalf calf hutch Mono is available in the following versions, each having their own special features and advantages:
In the Topcalf calf shelters, calves are always well protected against draughts. Moroever, the calves always lie at around 20cm above the ground on plastic slatted floors. This way the calves never lie directly on the cold ground. Besides the mobile calf housing solution, Topcalf also offers fixed calf pens. These calf pens are characterized by their modular design.
Large calf hutches
After 2 weeks, it is recommended to confine your calves in calf hutches. Although individual hutches minimize the spread of diseases, they also limit the social interaction with other calves. In a group shelter, calves can get used to social interaction, stimulating growth. At Topcalf we have developed at broad range of products, offering a solution for every situation.
The Topcalf calf hutch Duo is the ideal solution for housing calves in pairs. This calf hutch can also be equipped with a removable separation wall, allowing the dairy farmer to house calves in pairs. The Duo calf hutch can also be equipped with the Easy-clean system. The price-winning Easy-clean system makes the floors of the calf hutch tiltable. By lifting the calf hutch with a loader, the calf hutch can be mucked out in seconds! As with all Topcalf calf shelters, this calf housing solution is equipped with 2-part front gates, which allows you to enter the calf hutch, without disturbing a drinking calf.
trio – quattro – quinto
The Trio (3 calves), Quattro (4 calves) and Quinto (5 calves) are the biggest calf housing solutions in our product program. These calf hutches are all equipped with an insulated roof, lighting and electricity. The individual calf pens can be transformed into (multiple) groups, by removing one or more partition walls. These big calf shelters be moved easily using a loader. As with all Topcalf calf hutches, the front gates consist of 2 parts, allowing you to enter the calf hutch without disturbing a drinking calf. Again, calves lie at around 20 centimeters above the ground on plastic slatted floors, which can be removed easily. Thanks to the solid plastic walls, these calf hutches can be cleaned very easily. The Topcalf calf hutch Trio can also be equipped with the innovative Easy-clean system.
Group calf hutch
All Topalf calf hutches that offer space to at least 2 calves are equipped with one or more removable partition walls, enabling you to create small group hutches. Next to this option we also offer calf housing solutions, specifically for groups. The Topcalf group calf hutch is a mobile group hutch that can be moved by using a loader. It is equipped with a feed fence, insulated roof, lighting and electricity. The front side of the calf hutch has a plastic slatted floor and the rear of this calf shelter contains ventilation sliders. The group calf hutch can optionally be equipped with a sliding door and a free range. Moreover, this calf hutch can optionally be equipped with a special version of the Easy-clean system.
Higher food intake
Research has shown that calves that are confined together in larger hutches show a significantly higher growth than calves kept individually. Calves stimulate each other’s growth and therefore have a higher food intake than when kept isolated.
Contact & behaviour
A major reason for housing calves in groups is the fact that it stimulates the social interaction among calves. Social contact improves the social skills and calves housed in groups have shown to be less fearful and more dominant.
Labour Efficient
Next to the fact that group calf shelters provide major advantages to calves, it also has benefits for you as a dairy farmer, as housing calves in groups is less labour intensive. Though, this does not mean one shouldn’t pay enough attention. One of the disadantages group housing is the risk of cross sucking and spread of diseases.